Diving Deep with Denise

A New Beginning Post Cancer

Denise Season 1 Episode 10

Kristen Wood Ferullo is the owner of K-FIT Studio in Peabody, where she is also a resident.  The fitness studio is very unique in its industry because it offers a variety of classes that appeal to the senior population.   Kristen has been an ACE certified personal trainer since 2004, and a licensed physical therapy assistant since 2014. Kristen’s love for fitness only began during the early years of 2000. After battling weight her entire life, and becoming very overweight in her college years, she had finally decided to make a lifestyle change. That lifestyle change overtime became her career. 
After a breast cancer diagnosis in 2010, Kristen’s life had been changed, but her passion for health and fitness just grew even stronger. Her spirit and enthusiasm for fitness were very apparent throughout her cancer treatment. She believed exercise saved her life, and she wanted to continue to share her story with the hope of inspiring others. Not knowing just how she would do this, her life journey led her to the present day as being the K-FIT Studio owner. It wasn’t her dream to necessarily be a business owner at the time, but it was her dream to continue to Inspire, Motivate, and Change people’s lives with exercise and fitness.