Diving Deep with Denise

Live a Life You Love with the One you Love

Denise Season 2 Episode 8

Diving Deep with Denise unravels the toil and the beauty of sacred relationship with Relationship Expert, Jeanell Greene. I love how she beautifully weaves her journey through a difficult divorce and now a dream come true marriage with the amazing wisdom she shares with her clients. 

Jeanell is a Marriage Expert and Coach whose sole mission is to save marriages and heal broken hearts. She works with couples who are on the edge of divorce or separation and help them return to love and a loving place where appreciation, affection,  and respect live harmoniously.  Her own experience with divorce and now presently living inside a  beautiful 15-year marriage she had always imagined, she brings words of hope, wisdom, and compassion in an authentic, high-energy, and no-nonsense style to both her private clients as well as stages everywhere. Jeanell is committed to transforming what it means to be married and is living proof that romance, intimacy, and connection can blossom and grow long after the honeymoon phase.

Website: www.jeanellgreen.com
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